The deep freeze is coming! There are a few things to check before it hits
Here are a few things you should check
- Ensure your heating system is functioning normally.
- If you’re going to use the chimney have it inspected. (If it has been a while then contact a WETT certified specialist)
- Check the air ducts are clear and clean. Covered or dirty ducts can cost you monthly.
- Check the fresh air intake on the exterior and the vents for the dryer and kitchen to be sure they are clear
- Ensure you have fire extinguishers and check that your smoke detectors are functioning.
- Watch for condensation at the base of your windows. If ice is forming your whole home humidifier may be set too high.
- Be sure to clear snow on walk ways and de-ice as needed.

Here are a few things I can check as your home inspector
- Adequate insulation in the attic to ensure a dry attic.
- Check furnace for leaks and function..
- Check caulking on windows to ensure proper seal.
- Check weather stripping and latch on doors to ensure seal
- Check all walls and ceilings with thermal camera to identify potential areas of concern (It’s actually a perfect time to have a thermal scan as the colder temperatures will make it easier to find issues)
If you are uncertain or have any questions please feel free to give me a call anytime 780.293.8454. I will gladly do a home maintenance inspection to help you save money on heating and even cooling in the summer.